Saturday, July 31, 2010

No Wheat Today

No wheat today. Breakfast for me was a banana and a wonderful gluten-free cereal bar with milk. It was tasty and packed with nuts that I love. I had ordered it during the week, and now will get lots of them!
Great bike spin to Ballyduff, Tallow and Camphire Bridge in the afternoon with Kieran. We had a stiff wind against us for the first hour, but really enjoyed it after that! Wonderful spin home. We used the big ring most of the way, and it was just lovely.
Even had some energy left to do the shopping…got a gluten-free bread that I had ordered from Nude Food and it looks good. The local Garvey’s supermarket also has a good selection of gluten-free stuff: lemon biscuits, Australian muesli and bars…looking fwd to trying them out.
Dinner was good-quality steak burgers with our own garden spuds with salad. A feast…

Friday, July 30, 2010

Universal Wealth

You draw from the limitless universal pool according to how much you believe you deserve. Wealth can indicate financial prosperity, however true abundance is knowing that your physical, material, emotional and spiritual needs will always be met. With this a richness of spirit, feelings of generosity and a sense of deep fulfilment develop.

Wisdom suggests you question what form of wealth you truly seek – experience, satisfaction, happiness, love or money. Open up to wealth-consciousness by aligning your thoughts with your desires and expect good things to flow into your life.

Affirmation: I am wealthy beyond measure.

(Taken from Angel cards, unknown)

Ardmore In July

Thursday last I headed off with Kieran in beautiful sunshine to Ring, Old Parish and Ardmore. What a beautiful spin! We cycled hard uphill to the top of Old Parish (K. in big ring all the way…what’s he trying to prove?), even stronger downhill into a very strong headwind to Ardmore, before deciding to back off a little bit on the 4 mile section back up to N25. The spin home was really good, as we had a lovely fresh tailwind! Boy, am I so glad that I’m off the smokes!

My downhill confidence is sky high for the past number of months, all because I finally went to Cycle Superstore in Tallaght and was measured & fitted. These computers can do magic…bike was adjusted accordingly, and I’ve never looked back. Max coming down the Sweep was 42mph, and I loved the “wind in my hair”. Just fabulous.

MPH 16.4 Rating: Excellent.

Darn Blast!

Darn blast! No internet connection here for the past 24 hours. I had switched providers for phone and broadband only last week. Phone end was no problem and is switched. But it looks like eircom broadband has been disconnected before my new Vodafone one is connected. Feels really strange not to be connected. Sat and watched lots of tv instead! Typing this on my trusted openoffice wordprocessor, and will publish whenever.
My gluten-free bread arrived by courier this am. Company is called Ecodirect in Dublin, and they’ve been very helpful. Ordered a brown bread and also brown soda bread among other things. The bread arrives from England with a 10 day shelf life. It arrives only once a week, so they needed to delay sending on the other bits and pieces till it arrived.
What’s it like, you say? It is very tasty…I was surprised! Will write more after a day or two using it…


I subscribe to a wonderful website called Here you will find some of the quotations that I find interesting.
Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is the true prosperity.
Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now)

Food Intolerance Testing

I sent off blood test the day before yesterday to a gang called York Test. They’re going to tell me the story! I’m expecting results to confirm that I need to eliminate wheat, orange juice and probably some other stuff too.
And of course, I set up this Blogger thingy to continue the journey. My feeling is that as soon as I get the hang of it, I will be able to link to other folks who are writing of similar experiences. At the moment, this blog is PRIVATE and is only seen by invited eyes. That’s so that I can try to figure out any pitfalls before my story goes out public.
btw, I am MALE, so I figure my posts will be short! Hopefully, many…but SHORT.
And now, to celebrate my new beginning I’m off for some pampering. A massage should do the trick!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dungarvan Blog Ramble

Why now? It’s very simple really. Now is my time for change. My eating is making me sick, and my changes will make me better. Isn’t that so simple? Yes, of course it is!Why here?

Not so simple, this one. I’m here, partly because I am unsure where to begin storing my journey. I came across WordPress years ago, but was unsure of its purpose and indeed unsure of my purpose. Blogging for the sake of it seems quite pointless. However, now that my purpose is clear in my mind, I’m here to document my journey. And, who knows where it will lead?

I just read “Who moved my Cheese”. It’s a short little tale, but for me it hit the nail on the head! More later…