Sunday, November 17, 2013

Getting there

Gorgeous mild November Sunday morning. Temperature actually got to 13c, but at 9am as I headed off for my pre-ride warmup, it was still quite nice at about 8 or 9.
This was my second week with group 2, and I was really happy with it. The route was really lumpy, with a tough till at the mid-point where I really did suffer! However, the rest of the spin was very enjoyable. Of course, I had to work harder than usual because of the faster pace, but i'm pleased to say that I'm able for it. 
I had run 10 miles on Thursday, rested well until today, and obviously was well-recovered. Important too was my decision to drink lots of water last night!
Here's the link to the spin, my first 30kmph since early august. Group of 13.

I decided also to do a thirty-minute warmdown after the spin, bringing the bike-time to approx. four hours in all. 

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