Friday, December 31, 2010
Life Is No Brief Candle
George Bernard Shaw
To Live Content
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas 2010 In Dungarvan
The Farm Gate |
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Beano: Critical Christmas Reading
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas 2010 in Dungarvan
Back Garden December 2010 |
Christmas here was wonderful, restful and exciting. Today, my efforts to move my blog from its' former home at Wordpress are coming along well. Now, I've just got to keep posting!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Excited Again...
In other events, I’ve figured out how EASY it is to take and upload video to YouTube from my iPhone. (Forgot to blog that I got myself an new iPhone after nearly 2 years of waiting) Search for me using my email or my username (samrabbit5858). I think this link will work. Yes it will, just checked it. Enjoy.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Limitless Opportunities For Humankind
Sent from my iPod
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Last Of The Summer Wine
Kieran almost needed windscreen wipers on the inside coming home as the jokes and banter increased in intensity. What a finish!
This was our season finale, and we celebrated in the Lady Belle with Sarah and Olivia late into the early morning. Brilliant stuff! I had teased the lads about going to Lismore this morning, bit to no avail. I went just to loosen out the head, 33 easy easy miles. Again, here’s a loose transcript of texts to and fro:
P: Can I borrow your ankle bandage…I need it for my head?
K: No, it’s on my head.
P: Not a problem. I’ll put stabilisers on bike. Same thing!
Afterwards, I called in to Kieran’s for another breakfast, and then did the dog on it again in the afternoon as we shared several Budweiser with friends at home.
All in all, a WONDERFUL biking season. 85 spins, 4400 miles January to today. We will probably take it easy until Christmas, and have plans for bigger and better next year. Maybe slower, but better.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Please Everybody?
Monday, September 6, 2010
You Are Right
When Henry Ford was bringing his vision of the motor vehicle into our world, people around him ridiculed him and thought he had gone mad to pursue such a “wild” vision. Henry Ford knew much more than the people who ridiculed him. He knew The Secret and he knew the law of the Universe.
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I did cycle to school and back on Thursday, and my legs were HEAVY. I was quite surprised. Today, we had a beautifully-paced spin to Bunmahon, where I turned to Kilmac and Mahon Bridge with a first-timer. Just over 35 miles, at an easy 14mph pace. Slept soundly for the afternoon, and missed the All Ireland hurling final. Tipperary beat 4-in-a-row Kilkenny by 4-17 to 1-18. The five-in-a-row dream (Drive for 5) proved impossible. I’m delighted for many many Tipp fans, including Mam and Tim, Eddie and others. Their first title in nine years.
Monday, August 30, 2010
They said it was 100 miles…they were wrong!
Today must rank as one of my BEST days on a bike. The Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford attracted a massive 3670 entrants, and everything about it lived up to the billing! After a slight hiccup because I couldn’t find the pins for my jersey number, the problem was solved as Kieran stapled it on (carefully) We set off at 7.30am in cool conditions, and met up with the Kilmac Dogs and others after just 5 miles. Thereafter we enjoyed a lovely flat spin to Carrick and on to Clonmel. Coffee & sandwiches were enjoyed at Kilmanahan just before the serious mountain sections ahead. Power’s the Pot was hard but manageable, with a cool westerly tailwind assisting us. By now our group of 8 really helped each other along, and we reached the official food stop at Rathgormack in good condition. A quick coffee and some food here, and off we set again for Mahon Bridge and the ball-breaker to Mahon Falls. This was TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH. 25 minutes of 100% effort, before the wonderful descent to Kilrossanty where bananas awaited us. Certainly at this point the legs were crying out for rest, but none was coming just yet. After a hard drag to the bottom of the final climb, we settled in to more hard work, and all the chatting stopped. I realised half-way up the four mile climb that my sugar levels were dangerously low and I needed to back off from the group along with many others. A gel sachet and two bananas took about 10 minutes to kick in, at which point I had crested the top and worked hard on the downhill the catch the lads again. Finally, as we turned for home at Beary’s Cross with 10 miles to go, the wind was behind us and we ROARED home. Our very strong pace brought many more into our group and we finished with about 15 in all. Great day, great weather, great food, great everything!
They said it was 100 miles, but I made it just over 104. Details: 104.26 miles in 6h 57m Average 14.9mph. Sense of achievement: Unmeasurable! Roll on 2011…
Friday, August 27, 2010
I have has been with the builders at school for 10 days. It’s certainly different from teaching!
Must rest up now for 100 mile bike tour on Sunday. More later… Check the Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford website. The Kelly Comeragh Challenge is the tough, tough part of the tour and not for the fainthearted. Almost 160 km (100 miles) in length, it includes two Category One climbs (Seskin Hill and Mahon Falls) and is suitable only for very experienced and very fit full-time cyclists. It follows, in large part, the route of the Kelly Legacy but dips into the Comeragh Mountains on a couple of occasions to fully test the strength, perseverance and stamina of the riders.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
National Pony Championships
Monday, August 23, 2010
Very Bold I Was, But It Was GOOD
It’s not easy to write today. Head is sore, I’m severely dehydrated and needing to return to rest after a good (great) night out. Celebrations are an important part of family life; however, gluten-free eating goes out the window. Thankfully, Guinness is not wheat based!
Yesterday, after a long day with the builder at school, I grabbed a double burger with chips. Earlier I had had a chicken salad bread roll. So today will be all about recovery, in more ways than one.
Great fun trying to text the lads earlier this morning. Here’s a sort of loose transcript of some:
Me: Did u keep the used matches? Or are they gone forever? (I ALWAYS do this)
M: Planted a new tree for every one I used on the way home. Gonna call it Maguire & Patterson avenue.
Actually, I have to stop now. I tried a quick copy and paste from my mobile but I can’t get it to the pc screen. Cannot retype without air break every 10 minutes. Thus endeth the texting
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Beauty and Bread
John Muir
(courtesy of my friend Eileen)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Apache Blessing
Apache Blessing
Eco Direct Dublin
Red Letter Day
Greatest Discovery
The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.
William James
And here’s another variation on the same idea:
You can create for yourself a garden of bliss if you believe in it. And you can create for yourself intolerable suffering if you believe that it is necessary.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Broccoli And Sprouts
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Acceptable Road Rage?
What was remarkable today was the number of motorists who displayed sheer anger towards us. It did make us feel very vulnerable, and definitely very annoyed. Why do they do this? It almost seems to be a venting experience for the poor sods. Acceptable road-rage, it seems. However, it makes me all the more determined to take the car number and make a report to Traffic Watch. Usually, by the time we have had a chance to ensure our safety, the offending male has sped off in the distance, and the opportunity is lost.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thoughts on Eating
Managing without milk and dairy produce will be more of a challenge. Today I ate my usual oat cereal with soya milk and to my surprise I liked it. Butter alternatives are available also, and I will probably use Olive Spread. Tea and coffee will not be a problem either, but cheese is a real favourite of mine. It will be very important now to be clear on shopping lists. I will begin to work on this immediately.
Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer
My blood test results were waiting today upon my return from Mount Juliet. No real surprises. My foods to avoid are wheat, cows’ milk, gluten, coconut and mustard. It’s a shorter list than I had forecast, and interestingly there is no mention of my beloved orange juice.
Bread and gluten are challenges I can face. Milk is the surprise on the list. Alternatives? Perhaps soya milk or rice milk. The journey continues…
I did notice that my favourite coconut “Bounty Bar” (coconut & chocolate), although lovely, seemed to sit in my tummy, and certainly did not agree with me. This one will not be a problem at all.
On Monday next I will complete the testing process by scheduling an appointment with the York Test nutritionist, from whom I will get some further advice to enable me to successfully adapt my food intake.
I did some googling and found these:
- Physicians say that coffee without cream is more wholesome, particularly for persons of weak digestion. There seems to be some element in the coffee which combined with the milk, forms a leathery coating on the stomach, and impairs digestion.” The Buckeye Cookbook’ (1883)
- “Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.” Arnold Schwarzenegger (1975)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
You can only connect with your magnificence and full potential when you relax deeply for this allows your latent gifts and talents to emerge. In a state of calm relaxation you can also handle your day to day challenges more easily for you are able to flow through the seemingly impossible. Wisdom suggests you prioritise time for yourself. Breathe deeply. Do something you enjoy as you are due a spiritual, emotional and physical recharge. Remember that relaxation goes hand in hand with vibrant health and peak performance.
Affirmation: I take time to relax today. So, as I type, here I am breathing deeply…perhaps this post strikes a chord with you too.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Mount Juliet: Long Drive…But Pampering Ahead!
Course finished at 9pm so I took my leave and collected an excited Lori and we arrived home tired just after 11pm. Not to worry, because after a good night rest and a further check at school in the morning, we are off to Mount Juliet for a few days of pampering! Looking forward to these luxuries is almost as good as the experience itself. Had pasta with M & P this evening… first wheat to pass my lips for almost two weeks…well no, actually I lie…I enjoyed some apple tart yesterday!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Tallow And Camphire cycling Route
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Garden Heaven
A garden is a place of rest, a managed miniature of the beauty of this world, a place to return to whenever that beauty fails to shine in my life. This year, our major project outstripped all that we have created for many a year as we built our long-awaited garden room. Completed in April, it enabled us to re-landscape by the end of May so it is now returning naturally to its former state.
A place to sit and look, or sip a red wine. This year also we placed several bird-feeders. This was a wonderful decision and now various species of birds come to share it all with us. Finally, and unrelated to feeding, a pair of swallows had nested in the wooden shed. I have attempted to photograph them with their brood of four, but succeed only in frightening the little ones to fly before they are ready. Better it seems to sit and watch rather than to attempt again to get too close.
Wine? Oh yes please!
Thought I’d add this, taken back in late January.
A Feast Fit For A King
Lunch: bar on the bike. Slice of cheese. Dinner: Sausages, rashers & corn with milk to drink. Probably some wheat in the sausages, but they were TASTY. Yum yum. Wheat-free progress? Doing just fine, thanks. Sarah even had the packet of chocolate digestives out, but I managed fine without.
Don't You Just Hate It When...?
Pace was 17.3mph for 46.5 miles, so we were indeed tired at the finish. Big ring all the way. Legs feeling strong. Stretched for a while after finishing. Napped for a while after showering.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wheat-Free Eating Week 2
What major eating changes have I started? Certainly, the biggest for me is that I am staying away from the biscuit barrel. In years and months past, we have decided to be very limited in buying biscuits, because when they were there I ate them voraciously. They are still there now, yet I am determined to remain wheat-free, and so the temptation isn’t tempting me. I was guilty also of buying biscuits at times as I looked upon them as a comfort food. In their place now, I have a variety of wheat-free bars. These are very filling, and very tasty too.I’ve also continued to eat more fruit. Certainly an apple and a banana most days…these too have helped me to stay away from the grain-based carbs. In addition I love sultanas and nuts, good healthy alternatives to the biscuits. Meat? Well, only today, I cooked mackerel while Sarah had breaded chicken. It was no big deal. I suppose it will be necessary for me to just be a bit more discerning in planning meals. Last weekend, I had smoked herring and very tasty it was too.
I have sourced several wheat-free items, especially gravy mix, pasta and pasta sauce. So, all in all, exciting times! My blood test results are due on Tuesday but I feel that I have made a very good start even before getting them. I am curious to know what other foods will show up on my no-list, and how easy / difficult it will be for me to adapt. Above all, however, I am going into this whole-heartedly and am determined to embrace change. Look forward to change, even love it!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Dungarvan To South Africa: A Swallow's Tale
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Gluten Intolerant
No Wheat Today
No wheat today. Breakfast for me was a banana and a wonderful gluten-free cereal bar with milk. It was tasty and packed with nuts that I love. I had ordered it during the week, and now will get lots of them!
Great bike spin to Ballyduff, Tallow and Camphire Bridge in the afternoon with Kieran. We had a stiff wind against us for the first hour, but really enjoyed it after that! Wonderful spin home. We used the big ring most of the way, and it was just lovely.
Even had some energy left to do the shopping…got a gluten-free bread that I had ordered from Nude Food and it looks good. The local Garvey’s supermarket also has a good selection of gluten-free stuff: lemon biscuits, Australian muesli and bars…looking fwd to trying them out.
Dinner was good-quality steak burgers with our own garden spuds with salad. A feast…
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ardmore In Summer
Cruachaun Mountain In Wonderful Sunshine
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Be A Hero
Esther De Waal, Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict
“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.”
- Ralph W. Sockman
cited from Erin’s Blog with permission
Also from this lovely blog:
“I’d rather fall than never to have flown at all.” by Erin
Copella Apple Juice
African Saying
Saturday, July 31, 2010
No Wheat Today
Friday, July 30, 2010
Universal Wealth
Wisdom suggests you question what form of wealth you truly seek – experience, satisfaction, happiness, love or money. Open up to wealth-consciousness by aligning your thoughts with your desires and expect good things to flow into your life.
Affirmation: I am wealthy beyond measure.
(Taken from Angel cards, unknown)
Ardmore In July
Thursday last I headed off with Kieran in beautiful sunshine to Ring, Old Parish and Ardmore. What a beautiful spin! We cycled hard uphill to the top of Old Parish (K. in big ring all the way…what’s he trying to prove?), even stronger downhill into a very strong headwind to Ardmore, before deciding to back off a little bit on the 4 mile section back up to N25. The spin home was really good, as we had a lovely fresh tailwind! Boy, am I so glad that I’m off the smokes!
My downhill confidence is sky high for the past number of months, all because I finally went to Cycle Superstore in Tallaght and was measured & fitted. These computers can do magic…bike was adjusted accordingly, and I’ve never looked back. Max coming down the Sweep was 42mph, and I loved the “wind in my hair”. Just fabulous.
MPH 16.4 Rating: Excellent.
Darn Blast!
Food Intolerance Testing
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dungarvan Blog Ramble
Why now? It’s very simple really. Now is my time for change. My eating is making me sick, and my changes will make me better. Isn’t that so simple? Yes, of course it is!Why here?
Not so simple, this one. I’m here, partly because I am unsure where to begin storing my journey. I came across WordPress years ago, but was unsure of its purpose and indeed unsure of my purpose. Blogging for the sake of it seems quite pointless. However, now that my purpose is clear in my mind, I’m here to document my journey. And, who knows where it will lead?
I just read “Who moved my Cheese”. It’s a short little tale, but for me it hit the nail on the head! More later…